How it All Began…
Hi, I’m Mike, the guy behind Steel Pony Farm. In my early 20’s I was sitting around a cook fire with a family in rural Kenya that grew most of their own food. Getting to know them, I was struck by how far removed I was from food production. They asked me to tell them about my farm and when I told them that I didn’t have one they were confused about where I got my food. I explained that most of the food I ate was shipped from California, Mexico or China. They didn’t understand why we would ship food all over the world when we could grow it at home.
This experience brought up some big questions for me: how could I know so little about one of the basic necessities to life? Why DID we ship food all around the world when we could grow it at home? What was the cost – social, environmental, financial, nutritional, cultural – to this global system? Was there a way to do it better?

A Seed Was Planted!
This experience led to an obsession with local food production that took me from coast to coast in Canada as I learned from experienced farmers about how they were creating an alternative to the global food system. Ultimately, it led me back to Red Deer, my home town, where I started Steel Pony Farm. My mission is to provide nutritious produce to my community while respecting the people, land and ecosystem that I work with.
I hope you will consider supporting us through signing up for our weekly food box program.
Mike Kozlowski
Why To Support Steel Pony Farm
Your investment allows us to continue to work at the cutting edge of soil health. Healthy food comes from healthy soil and we are committed to an active program of cover cropping and soil amending and no-till production to make sure you get the absolute best quality vegetables possible.
Now, more than ever, we need to commit to local solutions to provide the essentials for our communities. Climate change creates uncertainty in the global food system. Your investment in local production helps us to develop the tools necessary to establish a resilient food system that provides essentials for our community
This is your chance to engage in, learn about, and develop a true connection to the ecosystem and timeless natural cycles that nourish us

The Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) model allows community members to get their hands on locally produced food. In this case, you invest directly in our farming project in exchange for a weekly basket of vegetables produced just outside of Red Deer.